Specialist Resourced Provision for Deaf Children

Specialist Resourced Provision for Deaf Children

Our aim is that all deaf children are fully included in both the academic and social life of the school. The children have equal access to a broad mainstream curriculum and learn alongside their peers with in-class support or small/individual group sessions, depending upon their individual needs.   

In order to achieve the optimum listening environment, all of our classrooms are acoustically treated to minimise reverberation and resonance (including carpets, blinds, low ceiling tiles) and are fitted with Sound field Systems (surround sound amplification). In addition to this, all the children wear digital radio aid systems in order to improve their access to the input and minimise background noise. 

Our pupils are fully included into school life. Where appropriate, qualified Teachers of the Deaf and Learning Support Assistants support the children, either in class or delivering 1:1 and small group teaching within a small and quiet room. We work closely with the specialist Speech & Language Therapists, and receive regular support from an Educational Audiologist and an Audiology Technician. 

The Teachers of the Deaf ensure that all staff at Auriol are trained in deaf friendly teaching strategies and that all members of the school community have up to date deaf awareness training to ensure the full inclusion of the deaf children. Our feeder infant school, The Mead, and Epsom and Ewell High School also have Specialist Resourced Provisions for Deaf pupils. Close liaison and collaboration with these schools enables our children to follow the pathway with smooth transitions between phases. We also enjoy working closely with other Deaf provisions acoss Surrey, coming together for a range of events to build a sense of community and support together. We are happy to show interested parents around the school. We also have a number of occasions when the school is open to visitors. Please ring the office for more information or to make an appointment.

SRP Information Report

For full details, please see attached document


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