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Pupil Wellbeing at Auriol
Auriol Junior School is a nurturing school that supports and develops the wellbeing of all pupils. Our school is a place where pupils are not only encouraged to flourish academically but are also supported throughout all of the challenges of their school lives.
We have a fully trained Senior Mental Health Lead, who oversees the provision across the school to ensure we have a strategic approach,as well as a Wellbeing Mentor, who is a trained Mental Health First Aider and ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant). We are very lucky to work with NHS Epsom Mental Health Support Team on site. We operate an open door policy and have developed well-established parent/carer and school relationships. The Senior Leadership team, and the SENDCO (special education needs co-ordinator) are available to raise any concerns impacting pupil’s wellbeing. In addition, all teachers are available to discuss any concerns.
Provision and interventions to support and develop pupil’s wellbeing are secure and well established within the setting. We deliver a comprehensive response to pupil’s individual needs using a graduated approach.
As a result of our ongoing and relentless commitment to pupil wellbeing, we have been awarded the silver standard for the Carnegie Centre of Excellence Mental Health Award. We work together as a team and have a comprehensive wellbeing offer for children. Staff and pupils are all extremely proud to have received such a prestigious award.
Young Carers
Auriol Junior School is committed to supporting young carers to access education. Our Young Carers policy aims to ensure young carers at Auriol Junior School are identified and offered appropriate support to access the education to which they are entitled.
Please find some useful websites below:
Mental health - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Children's mental health - Every Mind Matters - NHS (www.nhs.uk)